Tristan Parker Photography


Posts tagged triathlon
Finding the Balance (part....)

So I have discussed balance in life in a previou posts. See these links, as its starting to become a bit of a hot topic for me (here)…

You might gather from the fact that I haven’t posted for some months that this balance has shifted a little again. It intrigues me how we go through life shifting and negotiating with ourselves, and often our loved ones, and even our employers as well, about what at that moment in time is more important than other things.

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Restoration of the Balance

So I have written in the past about the requirement for balance in ones life to find enjoyment from everything that you do. When balance starts to slip its a painful process for me, where I spend time doing a lot of one thing, and become divided about what I am doing because I want to be spending time doing something different. Essentially I need to do a variety of things in order to do any one of them well.

Unfortunately I have this issue with some of the tthings that I take on being rather large, and therefore they tend to take up more time that what was originally planned, and balance becomes compromised... One of these things that I recently decided to do was run a 100km ultra Marathon.

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